Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fight Reefer Madness

I encourage you to go! This isn't simply about the medicial use of marijuana, it's about all the other benefits such as fuel, paper, oils, clothing, etc. The only reason people can not profit off industrialized hemp (even though it is fact that no one can get 'high' off industrial hemp) is because people are so fixated on the "scare" of some demon drug. It's what we were taught our whole lives.

Methanphetamine is a demon drug. Marijuana isn't. But people get so caught up in the "getting high" part of the plant, they forget that soo much can be done with the plant as a whole. You can't get "high" off stuff that's grown more for it's stalk then it's flowers (marijuana is the flower of the canabis plant). "Ditch weed" sucks because it isn't tended to, it's not given the specific nutrients to form the proper amount of THC (the stuff that gets you high). Industrialized hemp is specifical grown to lessen the amount of THC it creates, making sure that the plant allocates it's growing resources towards the end product that is desired; a thick stock for wood or other fibrous paper products; large seeds for hemp oil and clothing oils. Trust me, even though seeds are in the flowering product of the canibus plant, seeds are not the desired result of someone that grows it to get high. Much is different in the growing stages of the pot (THC) cultivator then it is for the hemp oil cultivator. Any real farmer will tell you that.

Anywho, hope to see ya there!

Thanks to another local blogger for the heads up.

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